Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

my girl | jacksonville, fl children’s photographer

When I was a little girl, I wanted my name to be Monica.  Monica Nathews.

I find it almost impossible to type anything without first writing it down.  On paper.  With a pen.

While these kind acts of randomness have absolutely nothing to do with this post, I thought you’d like to know anyway!


Last week I got itchy.  Not wool sweater, red bumps, scratch-until-you-bleed itchy, but itchy on the inside.  Ancy.  I’ve been spending way too much time on my couch.  In solitude.  Working.  I needed a change of scenery…I needed human contact and I needed it FAST.  So, I transplanted myself from my couch in Birmingham, AL to my sister’s couch in Jacksonville, FL.  The move was just what I needed and I got to see my girl and take some pictures of her…when she would let me.

My niece, Ellie, has picked up a sweet little habit from her mama.  Whenever my camera appears, her hands immediately cover her face and she yells “DON’T TAKE MY PICTURE!!”  Thanks Libby.

Finally, after bribing her with a trip to Starbucks for cookies and vanilla milk, I was able to catch a few shots.  However, we were only able to stay outside for a few minutes due to the mutant-killer mosquitos that decided to attack.  I would compare these dudes to  real life Tracker Jackers.  No.  Joke.

vPINIMAGEVBe afraid.  Be very afraid.  She’s as mischievous as she is cute. vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVCome on.  You can’t say that isn’t the cutest face you’ve ever seen in whole wide world.  You just can’t.vPINIMAGEV


My sweet girl.

  • August 22, 2012 - 11:39 pm

    Kim - Ellie is adorable, sassy, and saucy as my three! Great pictures of her:)ReplyCancel

  • December 10, 2012 - 3:52 pm

    manic monday | wedding work week » Emily Dean Photography - […] {I started typing this post straight out, but quickly had to stop and grab a pen & pad…I told you I can’t type anything without first writing it down! I tried…} […]ReplyCancel

  • February 19, 2013 - 12:00 pm

    Calyn Nathews - Hey Emma its Tootie and I love those pictures of Ellie. I miss them so much but seeing those pictures of her help.ReplyCancel

    • February 20, 2013 - 9:36 am

      Emma - Hey Tootie! I miss them, too! I’m glad you like the pictures 🙂ReplyCancel

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